Enforcers Burned By Reputation

Are the reputations of the Roosters' hit men counting against them in league's modern era? The Roosters are the most penalised team in the NRL, largely because of their three hard men - Jared Waerea-Hargreaves, Victor Radley and Lindsay Collins. All three are 'old school', belting opponents at every chance at a time when hard hits are becoming all but extinct in the game. Roosters officials believe they get a raw deal and on the surface of it, they have a case. JWH pulled off a big hit on Saturday night on Parramatta's Shaun Lane and the referee blew a penalty. But then the Bunker intervened, not only putting him on report but sending him to the sin bin. Plenty of times during games we hear refs say "don't talk to me like that or I will penalise you". But at a big moment at a crucial time, with the scores tied, referee Chris Butler immediately penalised Collins right in front of his posts for back-chat and the Eels took the lead. And Radley? His reputation is so fearsome that he only has to sneeze on an opponent and he seems to get penalised. It's a worry for the Roosters heading into the big games, with the reputation of their hard men apparently counting against them.

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