'Downside' to Latrell recall after 'moment of madness'

Desperate times call for desperate measures - and Blues coach Michael Maguire has decided to roll the dice on Latrell Mitchell in a gamble that could decide Origin. Latrell was brilliant in South Sydney's 22-12 win over the Broncos on Friday night, clinching selection with a powerhouse attacking game - scoring a try, having a try assist, running for 175 metres with five tackle busts. But the fiery fullback found himself in the sin bin after a moment of madness and that is the downside with the dynamic Bunny. Latrell can be easily baited and in the likes of Harry Grant and Lindsay Collins, Queensland have players capable of pushing his buttons. In the pressure-cooker Origin atmosphere, everyone is on edge and it doesn't take much to start a flare-up that could leave a team a man short. Queensland coach Billy Slater is only too aware of Latrell's short fuse and is certain to give his players a license to test the star utility's discipline next Wednesday night.

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